一月都過左大半﹐可能我太遲先寫Best of 2013。但係其實一早影左同預備左D相﹐只係未有時間寫﹐所以襯住年尾前寫埋落去黎個總結啦。
January is almost gone, and i think im kinda late to write about my Best of 2013. But i have prepared all the photos, just that i didnt have time to write about it.... Ok, let me do it before the (lunar) year end and give this year a conclusion anyway.
Beauty Blender - 知道有呢樣野好耐但只買過仿製嘅cheap野﹐而且覺得唔好用﹐所以一直冇買黎試﹐。早幾個月見佢出左黑色又唔知點解想買﹐所以喺yahoo拍賣買左黎試。原來咁多人鍾以用係有原因既﹐首先吸水後真係發大好多﹐加上佢既密度好高又好軟﹐所以印粉底上面好貼同埋遮瑕度都會高D。一盒兩舊yahoo賣HK$200左右﹐去開旅行的話去Sephora買好似平少少。
Beauty Blender
- Heard about this for so long, i bought some cheap dupes but just didn't like them at all, so i didn't buy the real ones. Few months ago i saw them in black and dunno y all of a sudden i wanted to try again, so i bought 2 of them from yahoo auction. Then i know why they got so many hypes. First, they expand so much after putting it in water, and they are very dense but very soft, so it gives a very good coverage when applying foundation on my face. They are around HK$200 together, it should be a little cheaper if you buy them in Sephora.
Don't have to squeeze, just slightly press it to make it flat.
Sigma Flat Kabuki F80 - 蒲開youtube見好多人都有講過﹐而且有讚冇彈﹐所以人有我有成set買左黎試試。佢係纖維掃,掃頭D毛毛好細,用黎搽粉底一流。不過自己用好D,因為需要用D陰力,幫人化的話可能"就"唔到度力。Sigma website賣US$21。香港有公司代理,唔識上網買可以搵佢地買。
Sigma Flat Kabuki F80 - Saw many gurus talked about it on Youtube, and they got so many hypes as well, so i bought the whole set. This is made from synthetic hair, very fine hair, perfect for applying foundation. I think it's better to you it on my own face rather than applying on others, because i have to slightly press it on my face and buff it, not so easy to adjust if using it on others. Sigma website selling this for US$21, there are companies selling them in HK, easier to buy from them if you dunno how to buy them online.

Cle De Peau Silky Cream Foundation - Shiseido最貴條line既貴婦粉底,質地偏厚但好潤,我鍾意佢遮瑕度夠,想薄D可以mix auqa gel黎用又得。詳細資料可以睇返 Cle De Peau Review 。
Cle De Peau Silky Cream Foundation - Cle De Peau is the most expensive line in Shiseido, and this is a must buy luxury foundation. Although it is quite thick and creamy, but it is quite moisturizing. I love it coz its so pigmented and with good coverage, and i can mix it with aqua gel to dilute it to a thinner texture. For more detail, please check my
Cle De Peau Review.
MAC Pro Longwear Concealer, Becca Compact Concealer - 兩支唔同用途既遮瑕膏。
MAC Pro Longwear Concealer, Becca Compact Concealer - Two different uses concealers.
MAC Pro Longwear 既比較水狀,用黎遮黑眼圈眼代位唔易出乾紋同埋long lasting。
MAC Pro Longwear one is liquid,i use it for my under eye area, they wont crack and very long lasting。
Becca係兩用膏狀,左邊係厚D,右邊係薄D,有塊鏡,帶出街好方便。我用右邊多D,唔乾。左邊較厚我少D用,有時會用黎遮疤痕。不過Becca已經撤離香港....... 唉!!
Becca one is in cream form. Left one is thicker and right one is lighter, it comes with a mirror, very convenient for touch up. I normally use the right lighter one, it's quite creamy and not drying. Left one i seldom use, sometimes i use it for covering scar. Unfortunately... Becca is evacuated, and we cannot buy them in Hong Kong anymore. Sigh!!
By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra-Powder - 唔記得係2012定2013買,但2013大部份時間都係用緊佢。粉質好幼,打開蓋似一陣煙咁。輕輕掃一層就夠定妝,控油都唔錯。Highly recommended!
By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra-Powder - Forgot when i bought it, maybe 2012 or 2013, but i use it most of the time during 2013, so i count this in. The powder is very very smooth, it's like smoke when you open the lid. One thin layer to set my makeup, and not bad oil control. Highly recommended!
Lime Crime Helper Waterproof Primer - 同Urban Decay Primer Potion一樣,雖然持久度差少少,未必適合超油眼或長時間使用。不過質地冇咁乾,更加易推,唔會cake粉。
Lime Crime Helper Waterproof Primer - Same as Urban Decay Primer Potion. Although it doesn't last as long as UD one, might not be suitable for oily eyelids or long wear. But its texture is not as drying and easier to blend. It wont make eyeshadow patchy.
3 Concept Eyes Powdery Lip & Cheek - 質地係啫喱膏狀,好鍾意呢個色 #pink one piece,好靚。
3 Concept Eyes Powdery Lip & Cheek - This is in jelly/ cream texture. I just simply love this color, very beautiful.
Jill Stuart Layer Blush Compact - 好耐之前有一盒但跌爛左,今年再買兩盒。最鍾意佢既原因係佢附帶一個掃,出街補妝實在太方便喇!! Nars既胭脂雖然顏色靚又好用,但唔會帶出街,因為又要帶多支掃,太麻煩!
Jill Stuart Layer Blush Compact - I got one of this long long time ago, but it was broken, and i bought 2 compacts again this year. I love them because they come with a brush, it's sooooo convenient for going out and touch up!! Nars blushes are nice but i never bring them out, too annoying to bring one more brush for the blush!
4 colors in one compact, can always mix and match with colors and my mood. Thought they are not as good quality as Nars blushes, they score full mark from their packaging.
2 lippies i love the most this year.
Lime Crime in Poisonberry - 一向都好鍾意Lime Crime D唇膏,一來獨角獸包裝好靚,二來佢地有好多古靈精怪顏色,我差唔多買齊。之前佢地有紫色唇膏,但D色好"蝦"人搽,尤其係黃皮膚,搽左總係怪怪地。呢支Poisonberry我想買好耐,但佢地個website一路都out of stock,今年Halloween前終於買到。呢個深紫色偏桃紅,搽左唔覺得太中毒,好靚架。
Lime Crime in Poisonberry - I'm a Lime Crime fan and I'm very obsessed with their products specially lipsticks. First because i love the unicorn packaging. Second, i love all the weird colors they carry, i almost bought all of them. I have a few of their purple lipsticks but they just look kinda weird on yellow skin tone. Wanted to buy this Poisonberry for so long but its been out of stock for so long, and i finally got them before Halloween this year. This purple is a magenta deep purple, it doesn't look that "poison" on my lips, just so pretty.
其實之前有出過妝文,有興趣可以去 呢度 睇。
Actually i blogged a makeup look using it, please check this if you are interested.
MAC in Riri Woo - 雖然佢同Ruby Woo好似,不過Riri Woo比Ruby Woo更加cool tone偏藍,搽完塊面同D牙睇落更白。Matte質地我好鍾意,感覺較stylish,另外rose gold包裝又係加分。
MAC in Riri Woo - Although this is so similar to the Ruby Woo, it is nicer than the Ruby Woo. Because it has a cooler tone and it makes my face and teeth look so much whiter. Also i love the matte texture, it's quite stylish. Rose gold packaging is gorgeous as well.
之前亦有出過妝文,有興趣都可以去 呢度 睇返。
I blogged another makeup look using this too, please check here.
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable - 出左好多顏色,最近仲出埋matte同shinny,但我只係試過普通版。鍾意既原因係我可以好隨意拎起搽幾筆就出得街,個咀會有D顏色,但有未至於搽左唇膏咁要好小心怕整花整出界。
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable - There are so many colors, and they recently even have matte and shinny, but i only bought the original ones. I love this because i can just grab this and put a light layer on my lips before i go out, and it leaves a very sheer color on my lips. I don't have to worry about it much like applying a real lipstick.
Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner - 之前都有介紹過,佢係我畫貓眼線既best friend,大家可睇 呢度。個掃真係好細好易畫,缺點係日日用好快用完一支。
Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner - I blogged about it before, it's my winged eyeliner best friens. Please check this. The brush is very tiny and so easy to draw fine lines, the only disadvantage of it is, it finishes quite fast.
Kryolan Cake Eye Liner Sealer - 呢支係我托台灣朋友喺台灣幫我買既。佢係好似gel嘅液體,可以mix眼影,pigment,閃粉用,乾左就唔會點甩。香港冇得賣,但Makeup Forever好似有類似嘅野。
Kryolan Cake Eye Liner Sealer - A Taiwan fd bought this for me in Taipei. This is like a gel liquid, it can mix with eyeshadow, pigment or glitters, and it seals after it dries. It's not available in Hong Kong, but they sell something similar in Makeup Forever.
之前hair show化阿Yu嘅妝都要用佢先黏到D黑色閃粉,如果唔係實跌到周圍都係。想睇可以去 Hair Show。
I used it for doing the black glitter makeup on Yu before. Without this the glitters must go all over the place. Wanna see more, please go to Hair Show.
台灣HBC假睫毛 - 每次去台灣都會買好多假眼睫毛,工作或自己用都好,因為平一半。大概HK$50就有一盒公主李或HBC,質量差嘅再平D都有。一直都鍾意用公主李交叉7,但HBC款式較多,所以我兩樣都買好多。而呢款交差7短我今年用得最多,因為短D,襯返我D短睫毛冇咁假。另外香港Gi & Gary都有靚嘅自然款,但貴。
Taiwan HBC False Eyelashes - Everytime i go to Taiwan i buy a lot of false eyelashes. They are so much cheaper (almost a double) compare to HK. Around HK$50 for a pack (10 pairs) Princess Lee or HBC, even cheaper for not so good quality ones. I love using Princess Lee "Cross 7", but HBC has more styles so i buy a lot of them too. I used this "Cross 7 short" quite a lot this year, because i think they suit my short natural lashes. Also the Gi & Gary false lashes from Hong Kong is very good, but quite expensive.
Koji下睫毛 - 日本出嘅眼睫毛好多都好靚,但我嫌佢地誇得滯,太"公仔",同貴。Koji嘅上眼睫毛我都有,但只限kawaii化妝先會用,而下眼睫毛真係佢地最靚最多款。已試過好多唔同嘅下眼睫毛但Koji係THE BEST!! 淘寶有類似款式,平係平好多,但係透明條線冇咁軟,貼上去冇咁舒服。所以雖然係貴,但我都係好捨得去買佢地嘅。
Koji下睫毛 -There are so so so many nice eyelashes from Japan, very pretty, but a bit too "dolly" to me, plus they are quite pricey. I bought some upper lashes from Koji as well, i only use them for kawaii makeup. And for lower lashes, i think they have best quality and biggest variety. I tried many lower lashes from other brands, Koji is THE BEST!! Taobao has a lot of dupes, a lot a lot cheaper but it's just not as soft and comfortable, cant compare. Therefore, i still bought quite a lot of Kojis even tho they are pricey.

Elujuda Fluent Oil - 最後係我冇講開但又好想講埋嘅髮型用品。由於過去一兩年頭髮都係五顏六色又漂又染,基本上D頭髮係爛晒又易斷,洗完頭完全梳唔到。所以髮型師叫我買呢支髮尾油,頭髮半乾時搽完再吹乾。其實我覺得似係有silicone嘅油,搽完頭髮會好滑,但我就唔肯定有冇修復嘅功效。不過多得佢,如果唔係我D頭髮真係會變草。好似大概HK$400左右,Private-i有售。
Elujuda Fluent Oil - Last but not least, something i haven't really mentioned in my blog before, but something i really wanna talk about is this hair product. In this 1-2 years, i have been bleaching and dyeing my hair to different colors. Basically my hair is so damaged and they are dead, i cant even comb it when my hair is dry. So, my hair stylist recommended me to use this treatment oil when my hair is half dry and before blow drying. Actually i think this contains silicone, it has the smooth feeling after applying for sure, but I'm not sure if it repairs my damaged hair. Anyway, it's still a good product if you have fragile hair like me, it helps to make my hair easier to comb and soften. It's around HK$400, you can find it in Private-i salons.

多謝你地睇到黎呢度~ 因為真係超長篇。2014年開始可以試下錄video講下每個月嘅favorite,好似易過打咁大篇野。Thankyou~ Bye Bye~~
Thanks for reading til the end, because this is sucha long blog post. I wish i could start recording more video in 2014 instead, because it seems easier to talk than write so much and loooong. Anyway, thankyou~ Bye Bye~~