Friday, 28 February 2014

Maybelline Lip Polish Review

 早在一月已經買左呢幾支 Maybelline嘅Lip Polishes,比Loreal嗰幾支Shine Caresses Lip Stains還要早。雖然用過幾次同試左顏色上個咀但係都未有機會寫個詳細嘅報告。我承認呢個月懶左好多。係時候要update返多D。

Bought these Maybelline Lip Polishes in January before buying the Loreal Shine Caresses Lip Stains. Wore them a few times and did some lip swatches, still haven't had a chance to do a full review until now.

  價錢方面佢地莎莎賣HK$89蚊。試上手覺得勁靚,所以一買買左五支。同Loreal一樣,佢地喺香港都係比較外國少D顏色選擇。佢地大概有10隻色左右(我冇數過,大概啦)? 大部分都係悶嘅顏色,好多nude色,橙啡呢D自然色系,連hot pink都冇,只係有粉紅。

They are HK$89 from Sasa. I swatched them on my hands and i thought "Wow these colors are lovely!", so i bought 5 of them home. Again, same as the Loreal ones, i think they have a larger color range in foreign countries. These have around 10 colors(i didn't count, but around 10)? Colors are a bit boring, many nude & coral shades, can't even find any hot pink.


Packaging is so cute! It looks like a clear tube with lipstick inside but it's lip gloss. Color as shown on the tube, which is nice and convenient.

佢地嘅編號/名。好悶嘅名... lol

These are the color code/ name. Boring names. lol

POP 6, GLAM 7, POP 5, GLAM 6, GLAM 9


The applicators, not bad but not as good as the Loreal ones.


Have to becareful cause they bleed/ feather after a while, as you can see below.

佢地唔太持久,基本上用紙巾就可以完全抹走。淨係GLAM 6留低少少顏色,但用落妝水/油可以抹走。

They don't have very good staying power, as they can be wiped and removed by tissue. Only the GLAM 6 one stained a little, but can be removed by makeup remover.

Lip Swatches






試上手都覺得唔錯,直到我搽上個咀... 個質地唔似唇彩,反而似gel狀。都幾杰而且好似浮喺我個咀上面咁。搽之前我冇做咀唇磨沙,所以搽上去之後(尤其係淺色)唔多靚,唔太均混。而顏色無搽幾多層都唔係好實色。


They look so nice until i tried them on my lips. The texture is not like a lipgloss, more like a lip gel. They are quite sticky and i feel like they are floating on my lips. I did not exfoliate my lips before applying them, and they don't look that good on my lips specially the lighter colors. Pigmentation is not very opaque no matter how many layers i apply, the color wasn't buildable.

Personally i don't like the texture very much, they are quite thick and it taste a bit weird. Colors are not that attractive, not bright or opaque colors i like, but might be suitable for those who don't dare to wear bright colors. They are quite moisturizing, but just not something i'm looking for, so I'm not going to repurchase them again. 


Hope you like my review~~ 

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