好啦咁,下面張相其實都曬冷地show左我4日裡面買既所有野。我已經盡量控制自己唔好買太多,但都買左好多。寫呢篇文唔係想show off,只係想分享下買左D咩好野。雖然好唔好彩地,唔可以喺香港買到,但係如果大家去開馬拉或其他國家都可以留意下呢D產品。
Came back from Kuala Lumpur with my fds last week and it was a happy trip. It's my second time visiting. Altho i knew this place has nth much to do and its kinda boring, i still went because i didnt go traveling much in the past year. Hanging out with fds is always fun so i didnt worry so much. The other reason is, to buy some makeup that are not available in Hong Kong.
This is going to be a looooong blog post, and in this post i will be showing you all the products i got, some first impression of these products and i will write full review for some of them so let me know what you wanna see.
Ok, so the pic below shows everything i bought during this 4 days trip. I tried to control myself but i still bought a lot. I'm not writing this blog post to show off, i just wanna share all the good stuffs i bought. Too bad we cannot find them in Hong Kong, but this might give u an idea of what makeup/ beauty product you could get if you are visiting KL or other countries.

首先,Sephora係我一定要去既地方,而亦都係今個trip既第一站。其中一樣我今次去Sephora一定要買既野,就係呢個Glam Glow mask。見到網上都好多人好推介,所以非常想試。買左兩盒,一盒比自己,另一盒比朋友。我用左一次,效果都幾好。但係,返來後幾日後發現原來香港Joyce Beauty有得賣..... Ok, anyway, 我好快會寫個詳細少少既用後感,所以記得返黎睇或follow我instagram。
First of all, Sephora was a must-go place, and it was my first station. And one of the most wanted thing i bought from Sephora is this Glam Glow mask. It has so much hype, so i really wanna try it. I bought 2, one for my fd and one for myself. I have used it once, i think its amazing. But, i found that they are avaible in Joyce beauty after i came back from KL... Ok, anyway, I will write a full review about this mask, so please come back and cheap out my blog or follow my instagram.
另一個我最想買既牌子亦係買得最多嘅就係Too Faced。見到好多beauty blogger/ guru都有講過同埋post過呢個心心Sweethearts Blush,令我覺得今次唔買呢個胭脂唔得。大家如果想知多D呢個牌子嘅化妝品,請等我嘅Too Faced review。
The other brand i most wanted to get was Too Faced. Seeing a lot of blogger/ beauty guru posting videos and blog posts of the Sweethearts Blushes made them one of my must-buy-item in this trip. If you wanna know more please wait for my Too Faced product reviews.

上面由左至右 From top left to right - Absolutely Invisible Transparent Pressed Powder, Shadow Insurance Primer, Sweethearts Blush in Candy Glow, Something About Berry, Peach Beach.
下面由左至右 Bottom left to right - Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Collection, Pink Leopard Blushing Bronzer
我買呢一盒碎粉嘅原因純粹係因為拎錯野-_-"。本來我係諗住買好可愛嘅Sweetheart Beads Face Powder,但佢應該係賣晒,而我就錯手拎左呢盒野。好無奈,但係都OK既,起碼我都會用得着。
Eye primer其實冇乜特別。我係用緊Urban Decay嘅Primer Potion,但用到有D悶,所以想買呢支Shadow Insurance Primer黎試下。
而呢盒Chocolate Bar眼影最初亦唔係太吸引我,因為Too Faced確實有太多太多眼影盤,唔知點揀。不過佢嘅眼影質地真係唔錯,同埋呢盒嘅顏色配搭都幾好,仲有朱古力香味,所以最後都買左。
The reason i got this Transparent Pressed Powder is because i took the wrong product from the shelf -_-". I was gonna buy the cute Sweetheart Beads Face Powder, but i think that one sold out and i accidentally took this pressed powder. It's ok.... at least it's something i would use.
The eye primer isn't very special. I'm using Urban Decay Primer Potion but feeling a bit bored, so i bought the Shadow Insurance Primer this time.
The Chocolate Bar eyeshadow palette wasnt that tempting to me at first as there are so many eyeshadow palettes from Too Faced. At the end i bought it because i really like the buttery texture and the color combination in the palette, it has a chocolate scent also.
呢幾盒就係我一定要買嘅胭脂。第一日我係買咗Peach Beach同Something About Berry,然後我發現原來Candy Glow係最新嘅顏色,所以第二日亦都去買埋。佢地實在太靚太可愛喇!! 所以我亦都買咗兩盒俾朋友。
For these must-buy blushes, I bought Peach Beach & Something About Berry on the first day, and
then found out Candy Glow was the newest color, so i also bought it on the last day. They are just too lovely, so i bought 2 more as a gift for my fd.
三盒入面我最鍾意嘅係Candy Glow,因為顏色最靚同最容易handle。
I like Candy Glow the most of out them, because the colors is prettiest and easier to handle than the other two.

呢盒豹紋Blushing Bronzer係咪好靚呢?佢係一個令身有shimmer嘅bronzer。暫時未用過未知幾時搽及搽去邊個位置,買佢純粹因為我自己鍾意豹紋同埋我覺得成盒嘢好靚。
Isnt this Leopard Print Blushing Bronzer gorgeous? It's a shimmery bronzer. Not sure when and where to use it because I havent tried it on my face yet, i bought it simply because i love leopard print and this compact is so cute.
And the second brand i bought the most was Tarte, i got them from Sephora as well. I didnt do much research about them, but i know their products have so much hype, so i just anyhow grabbed something to try.
由左至右 From left to right - Amazonian clay 12-hour full coverage foundation in Fair, Amazonian clay 12-hour blush in Achiote and Natural Beauty, Amazonian butter lipstick in Watermelon, Coral Blossom and Pink Peony.
雖然我見有好多人都有用佢哋嘅Lips & Cheek Stains,但係我唔鍾意佢地太笠(lup)所以冇買。反而買左三支唇膏,好滋潤顏色亦好靚。另外買咗兩盒胭脂,聽講顏色好long lasting。最想買粉紅色,但好唔好彩,全部賣晒,所以最後淨係買咗橙色同紅色。
I saw many reviews about their Lips & Cheek Stains,
but i found them very sticky and didnt like & buy them. Bought 3
lipsticks instead, they are very sheer and creamy. Also i bought 2
blushes, heard they are very very long lasting. Bought a coral and a red color. Wanted to get a pink one so much but they were all sold out, unlucky.
可能大家都知道Urban Decay啱啱出左一個新嘅彩色眼影盤叫Electric Palette。好無奈地,馬來西亞嘅Sephora仲未有得賣。今次我冇買好多佢哋嘅product,只係埋左我平時用開嘅Primer Potion同埋另一支Anti-Agjng Primer Potion,其實係一樣不過唔同質地,呢支比較稀同埋易推。另外仲有兩支24/7防水眼線筆,Woodstock(粉紅色)同Goldmine(金色)。其實仲有其他顏色想買不過又係out of stock。
As you may know, Urban Decay just released their new colorful Electric Palette. Unfortunately, they are not yet arrived Sephora in Malaysia. What a pity! I didnt buy a lot from this brand this time, just the original Primer Potion i have been using, and the Anti-Aging Primer Potion, which is a primer in a softer and smoother form. Then two 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil in Woodstock (Pink) and Goldmine (Gold). There are more eye pencil i wanna buy but those colors i liked were out of stock.

呢支遮瑕膏其實係同行既朋友介紹比我,佢話網上好多blogger都有讚過。咪睇佢地細細支,其實都唔平。不過佢哋遮瑕度好高、十分之creamy同實色,一支應該可以用好耐。另一賣點就係佢地有超級多顏色,而我就買咗一深一淺顏色 - Fair 同 Fair Golden,我會將佢地放入我嘅化妝箱。
This concealer by Amazing Cosmetics is recommended by my fd Loraine as she said it had so much hype. They are not cheap and in a small tube, but a little bit goes a long way because they are full coverage, super creamy and pigmented. The other selling point - it has a wide range of colors, i bought two shades - Fair and Fair Golden, will put them in my makeup kit.
除咗有牌子嘅化妝品之外,我都有買Sephora自己出嘅產品。下面幅圖可以見到,有個類似Beauty Blender嘅化妝棉啦,紫色嗰支係一支可以帶出街既碎粉掃,另外有兩支眉擦/掃,一支細眼影掃,一支唇掃同埋三支唔同顏色嘅液體眼線筆。
Apart from the brand products, i also bought some Sephora products. As you can see below, there's a dupe of beauty blender, the purple tube is a loose powder brush, two eyebrow brush, one small eyeshadow, a lip brush and long-lasting eyeliner in Glitter Kaki, Silver & Black.
排隊等緊俾錢嘅時候,亦求其買埋呢幾支野,包括 - Philosophy Margarita lipgloss,Smith's Strawberry Lip Balm同Sephora Fresh breath spray。
And i randomly grabbed a Philosophy lipgloss in Margarita, Smith's Strawberry Lip Balm and a Sephora Fresh breath spray when i was queuing next to the cashier.
另外我仲喺屈臣氏買咗啲韓國化妝品。佢地係PeriPera嘅Lip Marker & Tint Glow Stick同埋Clio Professional嘅Lipnicure, Gelpresso Lip Tint同Milky Water Tint。
I also bought some Korean lip products in Watson's. They are Lip Marker & Tint Glow Stick from PeriPera and Lipnicure, Gelpresso Lip Tint & Milky Water Tint from Clio Professional.
呢幾支Lipnicure既液體唇膏非常鮮豔,亦都好出色。乾左後完全防水,最啱用來化咬唇妝,不過最好用唇掃掃上嘴。Milky Water Tint似係有顏色嘅水,比較薄;而Gelpresso Glow Tint質地就介乎于Lipnicure 同 Milky Water Tint中間。如果有興趣知道更多關於呢啲lip tints可以話我知。
Reason of buying Clio lip products in KL because i dont see them in Hong Kong Watson's Clio counter. Or maybe they do sell them somewhere but i havent seen them.
These Lipnicure are so bright and pigmented, they are waterproof once its dried, very suitable for bitten lips makeup, but better apply using a lip brush. Milky Water Tint is like water with color, very light weight; and the texture of Gelpresso Glow Tint is in between the Lipnicure and the Milky Water Tint. Let me know if you wanna know more about them.
超級鍾意PeriPera嘅插畫同包裝,同樣因為呢個原因,我上次去韓國嘅時候都有埋佢地嘅lip tint。今次買左Lip Marker同埋一支Tint Glow Stick。
So in love with the illustrations on PeriPera's products, and it was why i bought a lip tint last time when i went to Korea. This time i bought a Lip Market and a Tint Glow Stick.
其實佢地仲有其他顏色揀,不過我只係每樣買咗一支試下好唔好用。Lip Marker真係幾好,佢似係一支水筆而入面嘅墨水就係lip tint,好容易控制分量又唔會整污穢手指。Lip tint質地似水,除咗個咀變左粉紅色之外,搽上去後完全冇感覺搽咗野係個咀。Tint Glow Stick就似Dior Glow Lip Balm,其實即係有色嘅潤唇膏,不過呢支香好多。
There are more colors to choose but i only bought one each to try out their texture. The Lip Marker is quite amazing, it's like a marker pen, and the ink is lip tint, so easy to control and won't stain your finger when you apply. The lip tint is like water, i feel almost nothing on my lips after i apply but leaving my lips a pretty pink color. The Tint Glow Stick is a tinted lip balm, it gives me a feeling like the Dior Glow Lip Balm, that means a lip balm with a bit of color, but this one smells so much nicer.
Last station of my makeup hunt was Inglot. I almost missed it because i was too lazy to go there alone as it was not near my hotel, but im glad that i made it there on the last day of my trip. Inglot is a makeup brand from Poland, there's a big store in Westfield Mall in London. I guess they are not popular in Asia because they are only available in Malaysia, not even in Singapore or Thailand or Hong Kong, it's kind of weird.
This place really is a heaven for all makeup artist or makeup junkies. They have soooooo many colorsss in every single products and the best thing is, you can choose the colors you like and make your own palette!!
It took me so long to choose, and at the end i have chosen 15 eyeshadows and 15 lip colors.
由於兩位化妝小姐幫我拆哂所有獨立包裝嘅眼影同唇膏盒然後放曬入去個盤度,所以我係唔知佢地嘅color code或者名。而佢哋嘅code就係鐵pan後面,所以如果想知道佢哋嘅code,就可能要等到我下次做一個詳細嘅review先會有。
I dont have their color codes now becoz the beauty assistant unboxed them and put them into the palettes for me. The codes are on the back of the metal pan so maybe i will list them out when i do a full review about these babies in the future.
I thought i would choose some crazy colors but i ended up choosing 10 neutral shades. They are all shimmery colors but not sparkle, because i think they are much more attractive than the matte shades.
to fulfill my color eyeshadow madness, i have chosen 5 other colors.
They have 3 matte shades in each pan so 15 colors in total.
唇膏亦都係揀咗十五隻色。十個比較鮮艷既顏色同埋五個比較自然嘅顏色,因為始終我鍾意鮮色嘅唇膏多D。大家可以睇到我一個palette入面有買到黑色、酒紅色、紫色、粉紅色、橙色、紅色同埋淺紫色。其實我仲有揀咗白色,但係唔知點解唔見左,可能佢地唔記得咗俾我...... Anyway, 我以後可以帶住呢一盒野去做嘢,唔使下下帶十支其實都唔知會唔會用嘅唇膏咁重。除咗重量之外亦都幫我慳咗化妝箱入面好多位。
For the lip palette, I have chosen 15 shades also. 10 brighter shades and 5 neutral shades because I love bold lip colors haha. As you can see I got black, wine, berry, pink, orange, red and lilac in one palette. In fact I picked white too but I dunno why it wasn't there because they forgot to put it in for me... Anyway, now I can bring this out to work instead of bringing 10 lipsticks which I don't even know if I'd have a chance to use. Apart from the weight, it saves so much space in my makeup kit also.
regreted buying only 5 neutral shades, should have made it another 10
so that 2 palettes can stay in my kit forever. Actually we can buy them
online but they only ship to USA, UK, Australia, Canada, etc.
So this is everything I got from Malaysia. Do check them out if you are going to Kuala Lumpur, specially Inglot because they are only available in Malaysia in Asia. Thankyou for reading sucha long post and I hope you enjoyed.
送上Starhill Sephora門口影嘅相一張!✌️
A picture for u, taken infront of Starhill Sephora!✌️