早排的星星熱潮令我留意到呢支聲稱內含高達35%保濕精華唇膏。所以有日lunch time經過Laneige就想買黎試下。我一睇唇膏,Sales姐姐就問我係咪搵星星既顏色,哈哈。我話我係想買Serum intense Lipstick,唔一定係星星顏色,但佢話大部份粉紅/紅/橙粉紅色都賣到斷晒,千頌依既魔力真係大! 最後淨番幾款冇咁鮮豔既紅,我揀左兩支,一深一淺。
The Korean drama <You Who Came From Stars> was super super popular, the makeup looks and products in the drama became a trend in Asia, and this is how i found the Laneige Serum Intense Lipstick. I went to a Laneige counter one day during lunch time, and as soon as i picked up a lipstick, the SA asked if i was looking for <Stars> lip colors, haha. I told her i wanna buy the serum intense lipstick, didnt have to be the <Stars> colors. She then told me a lot of colors are sold out because of the drama, what a disaster Cheong Song Yi created! Only a few not-so-bright red and pink left, i picked two, one darker one lighter.
The Korean drama <You Who Came From Stars> was super super popular, the makeup looks and products in the drama became a trend in Asia, and this is how i found the Laneige Serum Intense Lipstick. I went to a Laneige counter one day during lunch time, and as soon as i picked up a lipstick, the SA asked if i was looking for <Stars> lip colors, haha. I told her i wanna buy the serum intense lipstick, didnt have to be the <Stars> colors. She then told me a lot of colors are sold out because of the drama, what a disaster Cheong Song Yi created! Only a few not-so-bright red and pink left, i picked two, one darker one lighter.
分別係 SR04 Rose Ray 同 LR06 LED Pink,一支 HK$210。
They are SR04 Rose Ray and LR06 LED Pink, HK$210 each。
They are SR04 Rose Ray and LR06 LED Pink, HK$210 each。
包裝唔錯,簡單,感覺好乾淨 。
The tube design is quite nice, simple and clean.
The tube design is quite nice, simple and clean.
Rose Ray比較暗,而LED Pink就粉D。
Rosey Ray is duller, and LED Pink is lighter and has a pastel undertone.
Rosey Ray is duller, and LED Pink is lighter and has a pastel undertone.
唔知係咪兩個色太似,定係個唇膏太潤太有光澤,我個相機pick up唔到個色差,LED Pink現實裡其實係淺色好多。
Maybe their colors are quite similar, or maybe the lipstick is too buttery and shinny, my camera couldn't pick up the color very well. LED Pink is a lot lighter in real life.
(LEFT) 左係Rose Ray﹐(RIGHT) 右係LED Pink。
Maybe their colors are quite similar, or maybe the lipstick is too buttery and shinny, my camera couldn't pick up the color very well. LED Pink is a lot lighter in real life.
(LEFT) 左係Rose Ray﹐(RIGHT) 右係LED Pink。
換個光線﹐搽大D個範圍睇,Rose Ray其實深色D實色D,LED Pink比較淡及偏粉紅。
I change the lighting and swatched on a bigger surface, as you can see, Rose Ray is darker and more pigmented; LED Pink is a lighter pink.

The real color difference looks more obvious after i swatched them on my lips.
SR04 Rose Ray

LR06 LED Pink

Actually, it's no the color that matters, it's the texture. Since every lipstick has up to 35% serum inside, it glides on like butter. So pigmented, apply 1 to 2 layers to an opaque color, not quite similar to those color lip balms i have on hands. Other colors are so pretty but they were sold out, not sure if they are bk in stock yet, because i really wanna repurchase some more!
Actually, it's no the color that matters, it's the texture. Since every lipstick has up to 35% serum inside, it glides on like butter. So pigmented, apply 1 to 2 layers to an opaque color, not quite similar to those color lip balms i have on hands. Other colors are so pretty but they were sold out, not sure if they are bk in stock yet, because i really wanna repurchase some more!