Friday 30 May 2014

Laneige BB cushion, winged eyeliner and ombré lips makeup

Happy Friday!😬 Simple makeup, winged eyeliner + red gradient lips.💋

Products used 
Laneige BB cushion N21
ByTerry loose powder
KATE eyebrow pencil BR-1
Maybelline hyper shape liner
Koji no.73 eyelashes curler
KATE mascara base
HeroineMake mascara
3CE Waterful concealer
Armani lip maestro 400

Have a nice long weekend everyone! :) 🌺

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Wednesday 28 May 2014

IOPE, Laneige BB Cushion Comparison

 BB cushion係而家韓國最hit既item。之前一路好想試但係未有機會接觸佢地,所以今次去韓國就買左兩盒黎用下。好多人都話IOPE好用,等我試下先。IOPE喺Aritaum買,40000won,Laneige喺機場買,32000won。


BB cushion is the most popular item in Korea now. I really wanted to try them but didn't have a chance to get hold of them, so i bought two of them during my Korea trip. Heard so much hype about them specially the IOPE one. IOPE one was 40000won from Aritaum and Laneige was 32000won from the airport.

This is what they look like with the box. 


Each of them come with the compact and one refill sponge. 


They look very identical inside. 

第一次接觸呢類bb cushion。哈哈,其實係一舊浸滿水狀粉底液既海棉。

This is my first "touch" with the bb cusion. Haha, a sponge soaked with watery liquid foundation. 


To use it just dip the puff in the wet sponge, then pat it on face.

雖然兩盒個色都係N21,但IOPE比Laneige淺色D,比較接近我膚色 (MAC NC20)。

Both cushions are in shade N21. IOPE one is more close to my skin color (MAC NC20), Laneige one is a bit darker. 

下面左邊係我冇化妝既喪屍樣。我部Canon G16完完全全捕捉晒我面上多有色斑(暈).... 好恐怖!! 不過我都冇乜所謂... 所以大家唔好介意。先睇睇搽完bb cushion既效果。

Below on the left is my zombie face without any makeup. The Canon G16 really picks up every single pigment on my skin (faint)... I look so horrible!! I don't mind to show it so... please excuse my face and let's see what the bb cushion does.

左邊就係搽完IOPE bb cushion既樣子。皮膚睇落有光澤左好多,泛紅既地方都遮左但仲見到我既雀斑。如果想輕手D可用粉撲輕輕搽上面,如果想遮多D野就輕輕拍或印上面。不過呢個顏色如果搽太厚會有偏白情況出現。遮瑕度其實係輕,所以如果有熊貓眼或暗瘡印就要用遮瑕膏了。而呢個產品係有陣味,我真係唔係太鍾意,好似好強烈既太陽油味。我真係好憎太陽油味,令我覺得好似全身搽滿黏黏的太陽油,不是太relax。好彩搽上面後陣味就消失,可能係習慣左。

 On the right is my skin after applying IOPE bb cushion. My skin looks a lot brighter, redness is covered but still see some of my freckles. Slightly blend it with the puff if you want lighter coverage, pat it on if you want a better coverage. It might look a bit too white if you pat too much tho. Coverage is quite light, definitely need to use concealer if you have very dark eye circles or acne scars. The product has a scent, and I don't really like it because it smells like heavy sunblock. I really hate sunblock scent, it makes me feel like covering my face with heavy sticky sunblock/ tanning oil, it's just not very relaxing. Luckily i cannot smell it after i apply, guess i get used to it.

由於我係第二日先試Laneige呢個bb cushion,所以D光因個太陽而有D唔同,皮膚(左下)睇落仲衰過之前。

I tried the Laneige bb cushion the other day and the lighting is a bit different due to the daylight. My skin looks even worse in the picture below on the left.

右邊係上完Laneige bb cushion後。雖然之前試上手時係比較深色,但搽上面後都幾自然。呢款既遮瑕度明顯比IOPE好,而且較保濕,不過唔知點解令我D毛孔好明顯 (最近好似啱啱出了收毛孔系列)。控油力弱,4個鐘後開始溶妝所以要補上碎粉。味度其實有D似,不過冇IOPE咁強。

On the right is after applying the Laneige bb cushion. Altho it looks quite dark when i swatched it on my arm but it's quite natural after blending out on face. This one definitely has better coverage than the IOPE one and more moisturizing, but somehow it makes my pores quite visible (they recently just released pore control version). Oil control is not good, the makeup started to melt around 4hrs after and i had to touch up with powder. It has a similar scent, but it's not as strong as IOPE.


And one more bad thing about these BB cushions is - the puff is already looking quite dirty after only one use. 

兩隻都係好水狀,有輕至中度遮瑕,搽完後光澤感重。夏天咁熱用佢地個感覺又係好過用厚厚既bb cream或粉底液既。幾易用,直接打開盒用粉撲搽上面,唔駛煩,適合懶人(我)使用。不過確實唔係好持久,T字位就當然一定要搽碎粉定妝啦。尤其我係混合性偏油皮膚,而家又熱又濕既天氣,淨係用bb cushion唔上碎粉其本上係唔可能既事情。其本上4~6個鐘左右就會開始溶及浮粉,我就不停補妝補妝再補妝如果想個妝keep到全日都係用longwear既粉底比較好。

They have similar watery texture with light to medium coverage, dewy finish. Feel good using them than applying thick bb cream or liquid foundation in the summer. They are easy to use, just applying it directly from the compact, suitable for lazy people (me). But they are not very long lasting, setting powder is needed on T zone. As i have combination skin with oily T zone, it's almost impossible to use them alone without any powder in this hot and humid weather. Basically they start to melt after 4~6 hours, and i needed to touch up touch & touch up. If you want less touch up and a longer lasting finish, i suggest you go for a longwear foundation instead.


如果你皮膚又油毛孔又大但又想遮瑕? 可試試先用黎填平毛孔既產品。我冇試過其他牌子不過覺得3 Concept Eyes呢個Pore Silky Balm唔錯。之前冬天時收到,試用完就冇再用,不過天氣開始熱,我D毛孔s走出黎同say hello,所以又要用下佢喇。

 Which one to buy?
It really depends on your skin type and skin condition. IOPE one is lighter weight, better oil control and lighter coverage. Laneige one is slightly thicker, better coverage and more moisturizing. If you have oily or combination skin, try the IOPE one. If you have drier skin or want more coverage, try the Laneige one.
If you have oily skin or large pores but want more coverage? Try use it with a pore minimizing products. I haven't tried other brands, but think this 3 Concept Eyes Pore Silky Balm is quite good. I received this during winter and i didn't really use it after i tried it. But i recently rediscovered it because my pores are screaming hello to me since the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.

希望呢個review幫到你,有問題可喺呢度或去facebook or instagram留comment比我。Thankyou!

Hope this review is helpful to you, leave me a comment here or my facebook or instagram. Thankyou!

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Monday 26 May 2014

Stylenanda x i.t Party

上個禮拜五應邀出席Stylenanda x i.t Harbour City LCX store grand opening party。知道有呢個party好興奮呀!! 因為我絕對係Stylenanda的忠實fans,幾年前已經經常買佢地D衫。到見到佢地越做越成功 (雖然D衫越黎越貴),有埋化妝品牌 (仲要幾好用),近年i.t更將佢地帶入香港,唔駛飛韓國都可以親身睇衫同化妝品。當然,鍾意呢個牌子亦因為兩位韓妹model Sora同Minhee啦! 所以今次去呢個party都想見下佢地真身。

唔打太多字了,因為好多相,哈! 大家慢慢睇! :)

Was invited to Stylenanda x i.t Harbour City LCX store grand opening party last Friday. So excited to know about this party because I'm a super fan of Stylenanda, I bought so much on their website since few years ago. Seeing the brand grows bigger and bigger (the price grows also), now with their cosmetics line (with some good quality products), then they landed Hong Kong last year because of i.t and now they have their own store, which is pretty amazing! No more flying to Korea to see the actual products. And of course, i love this brand also because of two super hot Korean model Sora and Minhee! Wanna see them in the party so much!

Not gonna write tooo much, i took many photos so please enjoy! :)

幾實仲有好多靚靚cookies同cake pop,但一refill即刻比人搶晒 :p

There were many pretty cookies and cake pop, but they were all gone once they were refilled. :p


There were many games to play and this DIY handbag section has the longest queue, i queued for an hour but it was tooo slow.... We gave up and the PR gave us the material so we can do it at home.


We got a Stylenanda sticker after playing this quest game.

另外有 3 Concept Eyes makeup Corner可免費化妝或玩下化妝品,但我啱啱先去韓國玩完返黎,所以冇玩。

There were a makeup corner where you can do your makeup for free or try out their makeup products. I didn't even touch them because i had enough fun with them when i was in Korea last week.


Unlimited tattoo stickers to play with too, they are all so cute. They are made and sponsored by a Taiwan company, not Nanda made.


It was so packed before the special guests appear... so crowded.......

而家賓係洪卓立同周柏豪,另外當然唔少得Stylenanda的靈魂models - Jung Minhee (左) 同 Park Sora (右)。

Special guests were Ken Hung and Pakho Chau, and yea of course the souls of Stylenanda - model Minhee Jung (left) and Sora Park (right).

當日我同Crystal,Vangie一齊去,因為大家都係Stylenanda fans,哈哈! 而佢地有i.t sponsor衫喔,真好!

Went there with Crystal and Vangie that day because we are all Stylenanda fans, haha. And i.t sponsored them their outfits, so good!

Stylenanda輪盤,可能個天知道我太多化妝品,所以比我抽中洗面膏 lol。

Stylenanda roulette, maybe god knows i buy too many makeup products, he gave me face wash instead lol.

好辛苦先拎到的cake pop,想拎多一個比Vangie,但被一位大叔搶走了 -_-。

This cake pop was so hard to get! I wanted to get one more for Vangie but it was taken by a middle age men -_-.

仲有cotton candy,但我怕整花唇膏所以冇食。

There was cotton candy too, i didnt eat coz didnt wanna mess up my lipstick.


Pink + banana backdrop is so cute!

Stylenanda貼紙 + 3CE唇膏曲奇餅,好可愛.... 唔捨得用/食...

Stylenanda sticker + 3CE lipstick cookie, so damn cute...... i dont wanna use/ eat....

Photobooth 仲要有 props,其實仲想影多幾張,哈哈!

Photobooth with props! Actually we wanted to take a few more hahaa!



I put on these tattoo stickers for fun, they are quite pretty.



Got this red lips sticker on the back of my hand and it's still here after 4 days, didn't fade at all.


I don't normally style my hair because i don't know how, but i did a mess hair bun on that day, so let's take a picture and capture the moment.

為左配合Stylenanda個image,化個橙紅唇泡菜妹妝先啦。胭脂係在韓國買的3CE的粉紅+粉紫色。眼妝用了少少閃淺啡色眼影,下眼睫毛位當然要用淺色眼影突出返個臥蠶。但其實本人個臥蠶 (定唔知眼袋) 已經好勁,睇返成晚D相,笑時個下眼肚好似突出得滯。

To suit the Stylenanda theme, i have done an orange-y red lips kimchi girl makeup. 3CE pale pink + lilac blush on my cheeks. For the eye makeup i only applied a shimmer light brown eyeshadow on my lids, and a light color eyeshadow on my lower lash line to highlight my tear bags. In fact my tear bags (or puffy under eye bags, whatever they called) are naturally quite obvious, and when i look through photos i took that night, they were a bit too obvious when i smile.


It was such a fun party! Cute food, games to play, pretty boys and girls, makeup, what more can we girls ask for? 

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Thursday 22 May 2014

Korea Trip

Went to Korea for 4 Days last weekend, came back on Sunday and already missing everything there, the weather, the food, the people.... I will be talking about my trip in this post, if you like/ love Korea or interested to know more about me and my trip, please keep reading. If you dont, you can skip this, or maybe scroll down to the end of this post to see my makeup hauls.

Ok so, I was not in Seoul the first 3 days, I went to Suncheon to meet my fd Min and her husband. Min was my high school classmate back in the days when i was studying in boarding school in England. We were BFF and used to hangout everyday but lost contact since we finished study and moved back to our country. Distance was the killer, specially when facebook, whatsapp and all these weren't so well developed back then. I tried to contact her few years ago but she lost her phone and changed her no. Oh god... Finally we found each other and met last year when i visited Seoul. Keke... This time i went to visit her again, and since she was spending her holiday  with her husband n relatives in Suncheon, i went there as well. This place is at the South of South Korea, 4hrs drive from Seoul. Real pain in the ass for sitting in car for another 4hrs after i landed, but i think Min who drove me to the Suncheon felt even worse haha.

Suncheon is quite quiet during weekdays, not so crowded. Weather was good, sun but not too hot, very relaxing!

OMG I'm so happy to see this woman xoxoxoxo <3 <3 <3

Didn't take much photo during this trip, i dunno why. Normally i will take out my camera and snap snap snapppp but this time i took most of the pics with my iphone. And this is an E.T. outside a waffle shop. I love ET/ UFO/ alien stuffs.

We had Korean pork BBQ the first nite, and beef BBQ the second nite. I love Korean food but Korean BBQ is not my favorite, I love spicy spicy and more spicy hehe.

Min and her husband haha

Nothing much to do on Suncheon actually, so we went to sauna after dinner on the second day. I know to many girls in Hong Kong, it's weird walking around naked in the female changing room and having shower together with your best friends, but it is very normal in Korea. It was ok to me because I have done this with Min many years ago. We took this sweaty pic in the sauna while some ajumma (old ladies) snoring next to us lol.

Third day it's the wedding day. I had nth to do walking around, enjoyed seeing how they do makeup for the brides actually.

After the ceremony then it's the traditional Korean wedding. It's quite different from the Chinese ones, interesting!

They are Min's husband's parents, they are very nice to me, so i took i pic before i left and said goodbye to them before going back to Seoul.

Dinner after 4 hrs drive back to Seoul. Min's fd brought me to eat pig knuckle. So yummy, haven't tried it before. I love pig knuckles, fat but lots of collagen on the pig skin, good for skin.

After dinner I checked in hotel in Seoul - Nine Tree Hotel in MyeongDong. Love the location, it's located in MyeongDong shopping area, very convenient. The room is new, nice and clean, also super tiny as expected.

Woke up very early and went out for a quick morning shopping in MyeongDong before my check out. Spent most of my time in the massive Olive Young trying and swatching everything.... Beauty heaven it was. Not sure if they allow to take pic so i only took one pic of the nail section, and then i was busy playing around myself.

Finished Olive Young then quickly bought this for lunch and pop bk to hotel for my final pack and check out. The squid taste nice but a bit too spicy for me.

After my check out i took metro to HongDae because i wanna go to Gentle Monster. FYI if you don't know what Gentle Monster is, it's basically a Korean eye-wear brand. They became so popular because of the <Stars> drama, also many KPOP singers wear them too.

This is just a random pic i took on the way to the shop. I love this European church like building, not sure what it is, looks like a restaurant. Gentle Monster is just opposite.

I didn't take pic outside and inside the Gentle Monster shop, only took one pic of these sunglasses because i really wanna get the middle one but its out of stock!!! Luckily i put down my name to order, the sales told me it would arrive in 2-3 weeks so i should be able to pick up when i go again in June, yay!

Spent too much time playing n trying on shades in Gentle Monster... Time was a little rush, i didn't have time to go to Stylenanda flagship store, decided to go to Lotte Young department store in MyeongDong to buy my Stylenanda/ 3 Concept Eyes makeup. After that i went to last min shopping in MyeongDong. My last stop was Krispy Kreme hahaaa. Then went back to get my luggage and take the limousine to airport.

Felt a bit lonely traveling alone, but on the other hand so free and relaxed. Love and hate this feeling.

Flying Korean Air this time because CX night flights were all fully booked. I was too tired i fell asleep before the flight depart lol. Anyway goodbye Korea, see you again in a month!

 Unpacked my stuff and let's take a pic and show what i bought. Didn't buy A LOT because i still have a lot of skincare, paper masks i haven't finished since my last visit. Couldn't help myself buying some makeup tho. Some of the brands can be purchased in Hong Kong but they are cheaper in Korea, more stock too.

These are samples i got.

I will be doing some reviews/ makeup look with the stuffs i bought. Ask me any question if you are interested and please stay tuned!

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