Tuesday 24 June 2014

首爾《來自星星的你》展覽 Seoul <My Lover From Star> Exhibtion

講返韓國之旅,一定要同大家share埋呢個地方先。其實今次去韓國前有睇過下雜誌話有呢個展覽﹐但完全冇plan過要去。我同我既朋友最後一日因為check out酒店後冇咩做所以好randon咁入左去睇。由於大部份人都睇左<星星>呢套劇,大家都係fans,所以都幾興奮haha。     呢個地方都幾容易搵,喺東大門既飛碟形建築物Dongdaemun Design Plaza入面。跟住地上面SBS指示就可以去到展館。展出日期由6月10日至8月15日。我6月16號去,可能啱啱開左唔夠一個禮拜,所以冇乜人。

Back to my Korea trip again, i have to share this place with you all. Honestly i have read about this exhibition before going to Seoul but didn't plan to come here at all. Me and my friends just randomly went to there as we had nth to do after check out our hotel on last day. As most of all have watched the drama and we are all Stars fans, we were quite excited haha.
This place is so easy to find, at the spaceship-liked Dongdaemun Design Plaza. Follow the SBS signs then you will find your way to the exhibition hall. Open date from 10/6 til 15/8. We went on 16/6, not crowded at all, guess it's because many people don't know this exhibition even exist.

Ok, 之後當然係不斷影相影相同影相。

OK, lots of photo photo and photossss.


Remember this scene? haha


Entrance to Do Min Joon's place

呀...... 我竟然喺都敏俊屋企!!

Ahhhh.... I was in Do Min Joon's hse OMG!!


I went into his bedroom....

然後忍唔住跳咗上佢張床 hahahaha

And i couldn't help myself hahahaha

書房好靚,我既男性朋友s都要selfie一番! 哈哈!

This study room is awesome, my guy fds couldnt help themselves and took some selfies too haha!


Well, we went out to the balcony too. Take a pic with the ipad. 3000won for one print out.

而我地真係有影 LOLLL

And yes we did LOLLL


Then to Cheong Song Yi's hse.


Her bedroom is so pretty, but we are not allowed to go in.


Her vanity table.

我zoomed咗埋去睇但冇Laneige serum intense 唇膏同埋 IOPE bb cushion haha。

I zoomed in but not Laneige serum intense lipstics and IOPE bb cushion haha.


I don't really remember this spot, and it was the comics shop, does anyone remember this scene??


Show Period 10 Jun to 15 Aug, 2014. 

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Monday 23 June 2014

Shu Uemura 防水夏日妝 Summer Waterproof Makeup

韓國返黎之後就收到呢個Shu Uemura眼妝產品試用。我最後一日先去拎﹐所以出文出得好趕﹐有D趕交功課dealine feel。

當中收到包括有全新炫彩防水眼線筆, 持久啫喱眼線筆, prêt-a-palette六色眼妝組合TSUYA 光感新肌眼部精華

Received this Shu Uemura eye makeup trial product set after i came back from Korea. I got it on the last day and it's kind of rush to do the review, kinda feel like rushing coursework deadline.

The set including the NEW drawing pencil, lasting gel pencil eyeliner, limited edition prêt-a-palette and TSUYA skin youth infusing eye concentrate.

o21款色調X 4種質感, 10款深色同11款鮮色。可自由配搭變化出不同顏色+妝感。
o 質地柔軟令上妝時線條更順滑流暢。完美畫出精巧線條、調和暈染及填滿睫毛間既空隙。
o 持久不脫色配方,有效防止色彩脫落、缺損及弄污!

NEW drawing pencil
o Mix & Match - unique color variations  wide range of shades and textures to create any eye look. beautiful balance 10 dark defining colors and 11 bright shades from all hues.
o  Draw & Blend - soft gliding texture  creamy soft texture allows gentle & smooth application. draw, blend or fill the gap between lashes to enhance the eyes.
o  Long Wearing Formula - long-lasting and smudge-proof, keep your look fresh through the day.

o 鉛筆般輕鬆描畫,啫喱般柔滑持久。
o 輕易畫出精確持久分明的眼線。

Lasting Gel Pencil Eyeliner
o Easy application like pencil and soft, long lasting like gel. 
o Easy to draw precise and defined glamorous eye lines.

 眼線筆同炫彩眼線筆筆頭大小比較。眼線筆係要扭出黎﹐而炫彩眼線筆用倔左就要刨喇。其實點解唔出買扭既呢? 好似方便D!

Pen size comparison of the lasting eyeliner and drawing pencil. The lasting eyeliner you can twist, and the drawing pencil you have to sharpen it with a pencil sharpener, which is quite annoying. Why don't they make them twist out as well? Way more convenient! 

我抽到的係啞色M brick brown 84, 彩色ME purple 71 同 highlight色 G silver 21。 

The colors i got from them was matte M brick brown, color ME purple 71 and highlight color G silver 21.

 防水測試 - 眼線筆完全防水﹐就咁沖水或沖涼都唔甩。

Waterproof test - they are totally waterproof and smudge proof. 

o 三種不同妝效
o 款不同色系選擇

prêt-a-palette 6 eyeshadow palette   
o  3 different makeup combination  
o 4 color themes

我抽到Warm Brown啡色﹐另外有粉紅色﹐藍色同灰黑色。 睇落以為好大盒﹐其實兩粒眼影先等如一粒正常size既眼影。所以細細盒幾方便帶出街。

I got the Warm Brown color, other colors are pink, blue and grey/black. It looks really big, but 2 eyeshadows here equals to a full size Shu eyeshadow, so it's actually pretty tiny and easy to carry around.

Shu Uemura眼影一向都幾好﹐唔搽primer其實都ok﹐但搽左primer當然上色好多實好多。

Shu Uemura eyeshadows are usually great, it works ok without the primer, but of course they look more opaque with a primer.

 上妝前用返Shu Uemura眼部精華打底﹐有少少淡化眼紋效果。

TSUYA skin youth infusing eye concentrate

 Before doing my makeup i put this eye concentrate under around my eyes, it does slightly smoothen fine lines.

  •  炫彩防水眼線筆 - 易畫易上色﹐但動作要快﹐一乾左就好難blend開。要刨﹐如果係扭出黎會更加方便。
  •  持久啫喱眼線筆 - 乾左後唔可以加筆或大力捽﹐如果唔係會出一粒粒。
  •  六色眼影 - 幾好﹐一盒有齊深淺﹐啞色閃色。
  •  TSUYA光感新肌眼部精華 - 都唔錯﹐唔太笠幾啱夏天用。

Although it is a sponsored post, I still wanna talk about the good and bad.
  •  drawing pencil - easy to draw and pigmented, but need to work really fast, because once it's set, it will be difficult to blend or move the color. Also, i think it is not convenient as you need to sharpen with a pencil sharpener.
  •  lasting gel eyeliner - once it's dry, cannot redo/redraw over again or blend/smudge it, it cracks into tiny black dots and fall off.
  •  6 eyeshadow palette - quite good, one tiny palette with dark and light, matte and shimmer shades.
  •  TSUYA skin youth infusing eye concentrate - not bad, it's not sticky, suitable for summer use.


Done my base makeup and curled my eyeslashes before doing my eye makeup.

1. 先用紫色眼線筆畫上下眼線﹐上眼線可畫闊D再blend開。
2. 用啡紅色眼先畫上眼線頭1/3﹐同紫色眼線融合。
3. 用銀色眼色打量眼頭位置﹐令眼睛更加明亮﹐臥蠶亦會比較明顯。
4. 用黑眼線筆或內眼線﹐填滿睫毛之間既空隙。
5. 為左唔好令個妝太濃﹐所以只係用黑眼線筆畫上下眼尾位置。
6. 可輕輕用6色眼影最深既啡色搽喺眼線上面﹐再夾眼睫毛及搽上mascara。
7. 最後喺眼窩中間最凸既位置加上6色眼影入面既啡金色﹐令眼妝更有立體感。
8. 完成。

Eye Makeup Tutorial
1. First draw you upper and lower lash lines using the purple pencil. Draw thicker line on top and blend out a little bit.
2. Use brick brown pencil to draw the top inner 1/3 part of the eye, slight go over and mix with the purple liner.
3. Use silver color to highlight the inner eye corner to makes you eyes pop, also make the tear bag more obvious.
4. Draw a inner eyeliner and fill in the gaps between eyelashes.
5. Since i don't want the makeup to look too heavy, i only draw the outer corner with the black eyeliner.
6. You can also press the darker eyeshadow shade from the palette on eyeliner, then curl your lashes again and put on mascara.
7. Lastly you can add the shimmery golden light brown shade on the middle of you eye lid to add more dimension to you eyes.
8. Done.


After the eye makeup, I put on my recent favorite 3CE lilac and pink blush, it makes my skin look even brighter.

咀唇可搽少少粉紅色唇膏/ lip tint + lip gloss。 

For the lips i just slightly put on pink lipstick/ lip tint + lip gloss.





Hope you all liked this makeup look, please leave me a comment if you have any question.


<Products and related information are sponsored by Shu Uemura>

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Friday 20 June 2014

Seoul Trip 首爾遊 (Ultra Music Festival + Vlog)

實在太想同大家分享我呢個trip喇。事先聲名﹐今個post完全係講旅遊﹐如果你冇興趣其實可以去睇其他有關化妝的posts。但我建議你地繼續睇﹐哈哈! 其實我今個trip特登錄左好多video﹐而且剪接左成一個vlog video﹐仲已經埋上youtube。係我第一個vlog﹐亦係我一個小小既新嘗試﹐因為始終去旅行﹐太走馬看花﹐拍片比影相更加真實。所以呢.... 呢篇文都唔會打太多字喇﹐簡單D。放呢D相出黎想比你地睇下我冇拍低既野﹐因為我有拍片又影相其實成個旅程都好忙。

More than excited to tell you all about this trip. Again, this post is about traveling, if you are not interested, you may skip this post. But you should stay haha! I have also recorded many videos, and have combined them into one vlog video, it's on my youtube now woohoo! My very first vlog, because it takes less time as there were too many things to capture and write about. Sooo... not gonna write too much in this blog post, simple captions. Photos in this post are actually uploaded to show you some bits & pieces that i forgot to shoot in the video, since i was very busy recording plus photo shooting.  


Before we depart. Don't understand why people keep taking pic of the gate notice board, i don't like it. I rather take a selfie!


Second day afternoon, before going to UMF.


Selfie before UMF!


Ginseng chicken soup before UMF.


Korean traditional ginseng chicken soup.

開飯當然都要自拍啦 lol.

Group selfie is needed in every meal lol.

到達首爾的Olympic Stadium。

Arriving the Seoul Olympic Stadium.

呢個就係Ultra Music Festival主台個樣。除左東京的Summer Sonic﹐呢個地方應該係我去過最大的party/ show場館 (我絕對唔清楚邊個大D)。

This is what the main stage of Ultra Music Festival looked like. Apart from the Summer Sonic in Tokyo, this should be the biggest party/ show venue i have ever been (i seriously dunno which one is bigger).

Let's paaaarty~!!!

my girlsss

Getting crowded after sunset

Paul Van Duk  woohoo

me long time no party

呢個就係我video入面講既生蟹 ﹐應該叫醬蟹 (醬油醃生蟹)﹐太餓太吸引太好味﹐冇拍低。

This is the raw crabs i talked about in the video, it was so tempting and i was too hungry so i didnt record it in my video. It's suuuuper GOOD!!!


Mix the orange crab roe with the bean rice, taste like heaven!!!!

OK﹐上次冇影﹐今次補返。Gentle Monster弘大店個入口好有型架! 去之前一日啱啱收到email話上個月訂既眼影到左﹐所以我第二日去pick up﹐仲買多左一副。想唔想睇? hehee

Ok, last time i didnt take a pic, and this time i did. Gentle Monster shop in Hongdae! Their entrance is so cool! And the day before i went i got their pre-order confirmation email. so happy! So i went to get my 2 pre-ordered sunglasses also bought one more pair. Want to see?? hehe

等人時最好就係影下相 lol

While waiting for other fds we took a selfie lol


Midnight eating + shopping in Dongdaemun. This city never sleeps!!

呢個韓燒既肉冇乜特別﹐但相中黃色一舊既係一條蛋。燒蛋! 好好味!

Nth special about this Korean BBQ meat but the yellow bit was egg. Grill egg, taste good. 


Looked like we were having dinner but it was actually 12am ish.


Love this pink top too much so i tried it on, also forced my fd to wear another one but different color. It fits him! Lmfao!! 

第四日酒點check out後就去食部隊鍋﹐想知係乜可以去video睇下。

4th day, checked out and lunch we had budaejjigae, find out what it is in my video.

之後去左東大門Design Plaza﹐發現完來有個<來自星星的你>展。相我會下個post先upload(因為實在影左太多...)。但你地可以睇住個video先! Go Go Go啦﹐各位星星fans﹐你地會鍾意架!!

 Went to Dongdaemun Design Plaza and found there was a <My Lover From Star> exhibition. Photos will be uploaded in my next post (coz i took too many...). But you can check my video as well! Go Go Go Stars fans, u will love it!!

去完個展館玩完一大輪後就走人飛返香港lu。今次冇買到Krispy Kreme tim... 但係呢個trip真係好開心呀﹐已經開始掛住韓國喇。

After messing around in the exhibition hall we left and flew back to Hong Kong. Didn't buy Krispy Kreme this time... It was a super fun trip and i'm missing Seoul already.

想知多D關於我或者個Ultra Music Festival或者首爾或者<來自星星的你>展覽就睇我個video啦。

Check this video if you wanna know more about me or the Ultra Music Festival or Seoul or the <My Lover From Star> exhibition. 


希望大家鍾意個vlog﹐如果你地鍾意睇呢類型既野可以話我知的。由於我飛左所以最近冇乜點寫化妝野﹐但我將會寫返多D化妝美容文。大家記得訂閱埋我個youtube channel呀﹐仲有follow我的instagram或facebook。多謝大家支持!!

Hope you like my vlog and please let me know if you wanna see more things like this in the future. As i was away so i didn't write much about makeup but i will be bk and blogging more makeup stuffs too. Don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and follow my instagram, facebook. Thankyou for your support!

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