It was a pleasure being invited to the FACESSS event in Lab Concept, Queensway Plaza. To be honest, I didn't buy any makeup or skincare product for a whole week because I was so looking forward to this event. A stylish revamp at FACESSS reveals an exciting one-stop beauty experience with even more new and exclusive brands, including cult-famous Korean cosmetic specialists.
On the event day, first we had a press tour with 9 new brands including 5 Korean brands, 4 American brands, given lots of goodies. And then we spent our time looking at other high end brands also. I was really excited cause I could walk everything all at once. This picture was taken when I was sorting out all the samples & goodies in the Pacific Place carpark. Please carry on reading if you wanna know what I was given, hehe. Photos will be shown in collage from this time because I took tooooo many and I wanna show as many as I can.

It was a pleasure being invited to the FACESSS event in Lab Concept, Queensway Plaza. To be honest, I didn't buy any makeup or skincare product for a whole week because I was so looking forward to this event. A stylish revamp at FACESSS reveals an exciting one-stop beauty experience with even more new and exclusive brands, including cult-famous Korean cosmetic specialists.
On the event day, first we had a press tour with 9 new brands including 5 Korean brands, 4 American brands, given lots of goodies. And then we spent our time looking at other high end brands also. I was really excited cause I could walk everything all at once. This picture was taken when I was sorting out all the samples & goodies in the Pacific Place carpark. Please carry on reading if you wanna know what I was given, hehe. Photos will be shown in collage from this time because I took tooooo many and I wanna show as many as I can.
1 - Innisfree
第一站係Innisfree,自然主義嘅品牌,用濟洲島天然原料製造嘅護膚同化妝品。PR介紹左綠茶籽精萃水分精華,幾保濕,我都幾有興趣。另外佢地有一系列有機指甲油&洗甲水。指甲油冇得試,但洗甲水我有聞過,幾香,唔錯! 而品牌就送左超級火山岩系列護膚品比我地試用。
Innisfree First stop was Innisfree, their products are base on the natural concept and made with natural ingredients from 濟洲島 in Korea. Their PR introduced us the Green Tea Seed Essence, it is pretty moisturizing and I'm quite interested. Also they have a whole range of organic nail varnishes & nail remover. No nail varnish tester to play around with, but the nail remover smells quite nice, no bad. We then received Super Volcano mask & skincare product from them.
After that we also tried their skin analyzer because we wanna find our what our skin conditions are. This machine can scan and test your skin's moist, oil, wrinkle, pores & color. So happy because mine 3/5 were good, only oil and pores were not so good. Oil, I know it's because of my creamy foundation plus I did not have a chance to touch up my makeup. And with my combination oily skin type, I know my pores are not small around T zone area. At the end the BA gave me some samples of their sunblock & red wine peeling product.
After that we also tried their skin analyzer because we wanna find our what our skin conditions are. This machine can scan and test your skin's moist, oil, wrinkle, pores & color. So happy because mine 3/5 were good, only oil and pores were not so good. Oil, I know it's because of my creamy foundation plus I did not have a chance to touch up my makeup. And with my combination oily skin type, I know my pores are not small around T zone area. At the end the BA gave me some samples of their sunblock & red wine peeling product.
2 - Clarisonic
Clarisonic The second stop was Clarisonic, guess most of you should know this brand. In fact I have a baby pink Mia2 face washer, but since I'm quite lazy plus my skin doesn't have much problem, I stopped using it within a month because I think it wasn't really doing anything for my face. And today I was given a deep pore cleansing head for my Mia2, so... yea... Let me try to use it once or twice a week maybe. Their new brush heads are more tempting because brush bristles are much softer than the original one.
Clarisonic The second stop was Clarisonic, guess most of you should know this brand. In fact I have a baby pink Mia2 face washer, but since I'm quite lazy plus my skin doesn't have much problem, I stopped using it within a month because I think it wasn't really doing anything for my face. And today I was given a deep pore cleansing head for my Mia2, so... yea... Let me try to use it once or twice a week maybe. Their new brush heads are more tempting because brush bristles are much softer than the original one.
3 - Aveda
好出名嘅髮型用品品牌。當日我試用左呢個水漾滋潤頭髮精華,其實用我D頭髮試就最啱啦,因為髮質已爛同超級受損。精華成份天然,可修護頭髮,味道好香好舒服。雖然冇我自己用緊嘅髮油咁滑,但不含silicone (我用的日本牌子但應該有silicone)。獲增試用裝,可以返屋企試真D。另外佢地有部頭皮測試機﹐好想試下﹐但太旺場﹐來回兩次都有人玩緊﹐最後我放棄了。
Aveda A well know high end brand of hair products. Was trying their hair essence at the counter that day, and I think I was such a good model to try out their product because my hair is so damaged and fragile. The essence is made with natural ingredients, it smells so good. Altho it didn't give me the soft and smooth feeling as the hair oil I'm using at home, it doesn't contain any silicone (the Japanese brand I'm using should have silicone). They also have a machine that can check your scalp, I wanted to try but there were too many ppl so I have up at the end.
好出名嘅髮型用品品牌。當日我試用左呢個水漾滋潤頭髮精華,其實用我D頭髮試就最啱啦,因為髮質已爛同超級受損。精華成份天然,可修護頭髮,味道好香好舒服。雖然冇我自己用緊嘅髮油咁滑,但不含silicone (我用的日本牌子但應該有silicone)。獲增試用裝,可以返屋企試真D。另外佢地有部頭皮測試機﹐好想試下﹐但太旺場﹐來回兩次都有人玩緊﹐最後我放棄了。
Aveda A well know high end brand of hair products. Was trying their hair essence at the counter that day, and I think I was such a good model to try out their product because my hair is so damaged and fragile. The essence is made with natural ingredients, it smells so good. Altho it didn't give me the soft and smooth feeling as the hair oil I'm using at home, it doesn't contain any silicone (the Japanese brand I'm using should have silicone). They also have a machine that can check your scalp, I wanted to try but there were too many ppl so I have up at the end.
4 - Philosophy
呢個品牌我以前都好鍾意用架,不過佢地好似離開過香港一段時間,我喺Sephora都有繼續買佢地。最近返番黎香港太好喇! 我最鍾意用佢地嘅Purity洗面奶,原來係佢地第二好賣嘅產品。另外當日亦被佢地嘅香水同沐溶系列吸引,全部都好香! 最鍾意係inner grace嘅香味。
Philosophy I used to love this brand, but they left Hong Kong for a while few years ago. I still purchased them when I went to Sephora, and now they are back! I love using their Purity face wash, and this is actually their Top 2 selling product. Was attracted by their fragrances and body wash that day, they all smell sooo nice! Inner Grace was the one I liked the most.
呢個品牌我以前都好鍾意用架,不過佢地好似離開過香港一段時間,我喺Sephora都有繼續買佢地。最近返番黎香港太好喇! 我最鍾意用佢地嘅Purity洗面奶,原來係佢地第二好賣嘅產品。另外當日亦被佢地嘅香水同沐溶系列吸引,全部都好香! 最鍾意係inner grace嘅香味。
Philosophy I used to love this brand, but they left Hong Kong for a while few years ago. I still purchased them when I went to Sephora, and now they are back! I love using their Purity face wash, and this is actually their Top 2 selling product. Was attracted by their fragrances and body wash that day, they all smell sooo nice! Inner Grace was the one I liked the most.
至於暢銷產品第一名就係呢個 the microdelivery peel。其實我只抱住搞搞震嘅心態咩都玩下咩都試下,好彩BA姐姐好耐心地幫我試用。首先搽橙色嘅磨沙,然後再加入少少另一支液體,會覺得暖暖地,等兩分鐘,沖水。用完後左手手背比右邊滑好多呀! 可惜冇收到呢個試用,反以係收左美白組合brighten my day嘅爽膚水及精華。不過我遲下一定會買呢個peeling試試!
Top 1 selling product is the microdelivery peel. BA was so nice to me even I was just playing around trying and messing up, she was very patient introducing and explaining to me. First, put the orange scrub and lightly rub it on the suface. Then add the mircodelivery peel liquid, it also gives a warmness to my hand. Wait 2 mins and then run with water until clear. My left hand was so much smoother and softer than my right hand after this peeling treatment, quite amazing. Too bad they didnt give this to use, we got the brighten my day whitening toner and essence instead. Will definitely put this in my mask-to-buy list!
5 - Tony Moly
呢個係我之前去韓國買得最多mask嘅牌子。佢地嘅Gold 24k Snail & EGF Hydro Gel Mask真係唔錯,啫喱狀,敷到訓著都唔怕。化妝品亦超級可愛,可愛到可以當玩具或裝飾品。今次收到24K黃金蝸牛面霜。
This is the brand where i got most of my paper masks from in the last Korea trip. Their Gold 24k Snail & EGF Hydro Gel Mask are so good. They are not gel paper mask, so i dont have to worry about falling asleep and drying the paper mask. Makeup products are cute, so cute that they can display as toy or decorations. We received a few Gold 24k Snail Cream and Hydro Gel Mask this time.
6 - Missha
雖然冇乜點用過呢個牌子,但知道佢地好早已經有BB Cream。除左BB Cream外,佢地嘅魔幻水都好出名。今次兩樣都收到試用,麼幻水未試。金色嘅撫紋嫩肌護膚BB Cream就用過幾次,好滑好薄,真心比個like!!
Although i havent really used their products, i heard about their BB Cream since long long time ago. And apart from their BB Cream, their First Treatment Essence is very well known too. Got them both from the brand this time. I tried the gold color Signature Wrinkle Filler BB Cream a few time, its so thin and light weight, have to give it a thumbs up.
7 - Leaders
今次係我第一次接觸呢個韓國醫學護膚品牌。除左有各式各樣嘅面膜,最吸引我嘅就係Sebum Clear Water Cream,搽上手好似水咁,好保濕。好開心,呵何,因為亦收了試用。
My first time getting to know this Korean dermatology brand. They sell many types of face masks, and the most attractive product to me was the Sebum Clear Water Cream. It's like water when putting on , very moisturizing. I'm so happy because we received this today also.
由韓國著名星級化妝師創辦嘅化妝品牌。雖然我冇用過,但知道佢地嘅粉底好出名。我黎到呢度見到咁多顏色已經好興奮,然後BA姐姐示範佢地第嘅一皇牌產品 - Small Face Case。就係相下圖右下四合一嗰盒,包括防曬粉餅,光影粉,胭脂及陰影粉。一盒搞掂成個底妝,都幾方便。不過陰影粉比較淺色,皮膚深色的未必啱用。
Makeup brand founded by a professional makeup artist in Korean. Though i havent tried them before, i know they make very good foundation. I was super excited when i came to this counter because there were a lot of colorful makeup. Then BA introduced and did demo with their top selling product - Small Face Case. It's the 4 in 1 compact in the bottom right corner below. including powder, highlighter, blusher and bronzer. Quite convenient because finish off the whole face makeup using only one compact. But the bronzer is quite light, so it might not be suitable for those who have darker skin.
由韓國著名星級化妝師創辦嘅化妝品牌。雖然我冇用過,但知道佢地嘅粉底好出名。我黎到呢度見到咁多顏色已經好興奮,然後BA姐姐示範佢地第嘅一皇牌產品 - Small Face Case。就係相下圖右下四合一嗰盒,包括防曬粉餅,光影粉,胭脂及陰影粉。一盒搞掂成個底妝,都幾方便。不過陰影粉比較淺色,皮膚深色的未必啱用。
Makeup brand founded by a professional makeup artist in Korean. Though i havent tried them before, i know they make very good foundation. I was super excited when i came to this counter because there were a lot of colorful makeup. Then BA introduced and did demo with their top selling product - Small Face Case. It's the 4 in 1 compact in the bottom right corner below. including powder, highlighter, blusher and bronzer. Quite convenient because finish off the whole face makeup using only one compact. But the bronzer is quite light, so it might not be suitable for those who have darker skin.
另外唇膏唇彩都有好多選擇,啱晒近期嘅星星trend。當日BA介紹左三個新顏色,下圖由左至右PK 424 Femma Pink, OR 441 Tango, CR431 Cashmere,贈品裡面每人都有一支的。可惜我抽唔中粉紅或橙色,反而抽中了較nude的Cashmere。可能天都知道我缺乏自然系顏色的唇膏吧..... -_-
9 - amika: hairdo bar
最後黎到amika: hairdo bar,除左有賣花哩花碌嘅髮型用品及工具外,仲可以坐低飲杯野洗個頭set個髮,有12款個hair style可以揀。PR姐姐話hairdo bar冇鏡係想大家盡情relax下,到整完頭就可以照鏡喇。
一袋FACESSS﹐另加九個牌子﹐共十袋s! 好重! 行到出晒汗。
香港島:香港金鐘道九十三號金鐘廊 (金鐘地鐵站C1出口) / 2118-3653
HONG KONG ISLAND: Queensway Plaza, 93 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong (Admiralty MTR Station, Exit C1)
九龍: 尖沙咀廣東道5號海港城海運大廈2樓OT 202號鋪(尖沙咀地鐵站E出口)/ 2118-3622
KOWLOON: Shop OT 202, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui (TST MTR Station, Exit E)
香港島:香港金鐘道九十三號金鐘廊 (金鐘地鐵站C1出口) / 2118-3653
HONG KONG ISLAND: Queensway Plaza, 93 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong (Admiralty MTR Station, Exit C1)
九龍: 尖沙咀廣東道5號海港城海運大廈2樓OT 202號鋪(尖沙咀地鐵站E出口)/ 2118-3622
KOWLOON: Shop OT 202, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui (TST MTR Station, Exit E)