BB cushion係而家韓國最hit既item。之前一路好想試但係未有機會接觸佢地,所以今次去韓國就買左兩盒黎用下。好多人都話IOPE好用,等我試下先。IOPE喺Aritaum買,40000won,Laneige喺機場買,32000won。
BB cushion is the most popular item in Korea now. I really wanted to try them but didn't have a chance to get hold of them, so i bought two of them during my Korea trip. Heard so much hype about them specially the IOPE one. IOPE one was 40000won from Aritaum and Laneige was 32000won from the airport.
This is what they look like with the box.
Each of them come with the compact and one refill sponge.
They look very identical inside.
第一次接觸呢類bb cushion。哈哈,其實係一舊浸滿水狀粉底液既海棉。
This is my first "touch" with the bb cusion. Haha, a sponge soaked with watery liquid foundation.
To use it just dip the puff in the wet sponge, then pat it on face.
雖然兩盒個色都係N21,但IOPE比Laneige淺色D,比較接近我膚色 (MAC NC20)。
Both cushions are in shade N21. IOPE one is more close to my skin color (MAC NC20), Laneige one is a bit darker.
下面左邊係我冇化妝既喪屍樣。我部Canon G16完完全全捕捉晒我面上多有色斑(暈).... 好恐怖!! 不過我都冇乜所謂... 所以大家唔好介意。先睇睇搽完bb cushion既效果。
Below on the left is my zombie face without any makeup. The Canon G16 really picks up every single pigment on my skin (faint)... I look so horrible!! I don't mind to show it so... please excuse my face and let's see what the bb cushion does.

左邊就係搽完IOPE bb cushion既樣子。皮膚睇落有光澤左好多,泛紅既地方都遮左但仲見到我既雀斑。如果想輕手D可用粉撲輕輕搽上面,如果想遮多D野就輕輕拍或印上面。不過呢個顏色如果搽太厚會有偏白情況出現。遮瑕度其實係輕,所以如果有熊貓眼或暗瘡印就要用遮瑕膏了。而呢個產品係有陣味,我真係唔係太鍾意,好似好強烈既太陽油味。我真係好憎太陽油味,令我覺得好似全身搽滿黏黏的太陽油,不是太relax。好彩搽上面後陣味就消失,可能係習慣左。
On the right is my skin after applying IOPE bb cushion. My skin looks a lot brighter, redness is covered but still see some of my freckles. Slightly blend it with the puff if you want lighter coverage, pat it on if you want a better coverage. It might look a bit too white if you pat too much tho. Coverage is quite light, definitely need to use concealer if you have very dark eye circles or acne scars. The product has a scent, and I don't really like it because it smells like heavy sunblock. I really hate sunblock scent, it makes me feel like covering my face with heavy sticky sunblock/ tanning oil, it's just not very relaxing. Luckily i cannot smell it after i apply, guess i get used to it.

左邊就係搽完IOPE bb cushion既樣子。皮膚睇落有光澤左好多,泛紅既地方都遮左但仲見到我既雀斑。如果想輕手D可用粉撲輕輕搽上面,如果想遮多D野就輕輕拍或印上面。不過呢個顏色如果搽太厚會有偏白情況出現。遮瑕度其實係輕,所以如果有熊貓眼或暗瘡印就要用遮瑕膏了。而呢個產品係有陣味,我真係唔係太鍾意,好似好強烈既太陽油味。我真係好憎太陽油味,令我覺得好似全身搽滿黏黏的太陽油,不是太relax。好彩搽上面後陣味就消失,可能係習慣左。
On the right is my skin after applying IOPE bb cushion. My skin looks a lot brighter, redness is covered but still see some of my freckles. Slightly blend it with the puff if you want lighter coverage, pat it on if you want a better coverage. It might look a bit too white if you pat too much tho. Coverage is quite light, definitely need to use concealer if you have very dark eye circles or acne scars. The product has a scent, and I don't really like it because it smells like heavy sunblock. I really hate sunblock scent, it makes me feel like covering my face with heavy sticky sunblock/ tanning oil, it's just not very relaxing. Luckily i cannot smell it after i apply, guess i get used to it.
由於我係第二日先試Laneige呢個bb cushion,所以D光因個太陽而有D唔同,皮膚(左下)睇落仲衰過之前。
I tried the Laneige bb cushion the other day and the lighting is a bit different due to the daylight. My skin looks even worse in the picture below on the left.
右邊係上完Laneige bb cushion後。雖然之前試上手時係比較深色,但搽上面後都幾自然。呢款既遮瑕度明顯比IOPE好,而且較保濕,不過唔知點解令我D毛孔好明顯 (最近好似啱啱出了收毛孔系列)。控油力弱,4個鐘後開始溶妝所以要補上碎粉。味度其實有D似,不過冇IOPE咁強。
On the right is after applying the Laneige bb cushion. Altho it looks quite dark when i swatched it on my arm but it's quite natural after blending out on face. This one definitely has better coverage than the IOPE one and more moisturizing, but somehow it makes my pores quite visible (they recently just released pore control version). Oil control is not good, the makeup started to melt around 4hrs after and i had to touch up with powder. It has a similar scent, but it's not as strong as IOPE.
And one more bad thing about these BB cushions is - the puff is already looking quite dirty after only one use.
兩隻都係好水狀,有輕至中度遮瑕,搽完後光澤感重。夏天咁熱用佢地個感覺又係好過用厚厚既bb cream或粉底液既。幾易用,直接打開盒用粉撲搽上面,唔駛煩,適合懶人(我)使用。不過確實唔係好持久,T字位就當然一定要搽碎粉定妝啦。尤其我係混合性偏油皮膚,而家又熱又濕既天氣,淨係用bb cushion唔上碎粉其本上係唔可能既事情。其本上4~6個鐘左右就會開始溶及浮粉,我就不停補妝補妝再補妝。如果想個妝keep到全日都係用longwear既粉底比較好。
They have similar watery texture with light to medium coverage, dewy finish. Feel good using them than applying thick bb cream or liquid foundation in the summer. They are easy to use, just applying it directly from the compact, suitable for lazy people (me). But they are not very long lasting, setting powder is needed on T zone. As i have combination skin with oily T zone, it's almost impossible to use them alone without any powder in this hot and humid weather. Basically they start to melt after 4~6 hours, and i needed to touch up touch & touch up. If you want less touch up and a longer lasting finish, i suggest you go for a longwear foundation instead.
如果你皮膚又油毛孔又大但又想遮瑕? 可試試先用黎填平毛孔既產品。我冇試過其他牌子不過覺得3 Concept Eyes呢個Pore Silky Balm唔錯。之前冬天時收到,試用完就冇再用,不過天氣開始熱,我D毛孔s走出黎同say hello,所以又要用下佢喇。
Which one to buy?
It really depends on your skin type and skin condition. IOPE one is lighter weight, better oil control and lighter coverage. Laneige one is slightly thicker, better coverage and more moisturizing. If you have oily or combination skin, try the IOPE one. If you have drier skin or want more coverage, try the Laneige one.
If you have oily skin or large pores but want more coverage? Try use it with a pore minimizing products. I haven't tried other brands, but think this 3 Concept Eyes Pore Silky Balm is quite good. I received this during winter and i didn't really use it after i tried it. But i recently rediscovered it because my pores are screaming hello to me since the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.
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Hi! Can pore silky balm minimizes pore around the nose . How it performs compare to Loreal snow calm? BTW I've very dry skin. Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteIt does not minimize pores, it just fills in the pores to give a flatter surface for you foundation to go on. I haven't tried the Loreal one, but if you have very dry skin i suggest you exfoliate and moisturize your skin well before using the pore silky balm to avoid it clinging to your skin.