上個禮拜五應邀出席Stylenanda x i.t Harbour City LCX store grand opening party。知道有呢個party好興奮呀!! 因為我絕對係Stylenanda的忠實fans,幾年前已經經常買佢地D衫。到見到佢地越做越成功 (雖然D衫越黎越貴),有埋化妝品牌 (仲要幾好用),近年i.t更將佢地帶入香港,唔駛飛韓國都可以親身睇衫同化妝品。當然,鍾意呢個牌子亦因為兩位韓妹model Sora同Minhee啦! 所以今次去呢個party都想見下佢地真身。
唔打太多字了,因為好多相,哈! 大家慢慢睇! :)
Was invited to Stylenanda x i.t Harbour City LCX store grand opening party last Friday. So excited to know about this party because I'm a super fan of Stylenanda, I bought so much on their website since few years ago. Seeing the brand grows bigger and bigger (the price grows also), now with their cosmetics line (with some good quality products), then they landed Hong Kong last year because of i.t and now they have their own store, which is pretty amazing! No more flying to Korea to see the actual products. And of course, i love this brand also because of two super hot Korean model Sora and Minhee! Wanna see them in the party so much!
Not gonna write tooo much, i took many photos so please enjoy! :)
唔打太多字了,因為好多相,哈! 大家慢慢睇! :)
Was invited to Stylenanda x i.t Harbour City LCX store grand opening party last Friday. So excited to know about this party because I'm a super fan of Stylenanda, I bought so much on their website since few years ago. Seeing the brand grows bigger and bigger (the price grows also), now with their cosmetics line (with some good quality products), then they landed Hong Kong last year because of i.t and now they have their own store, which is pretty amazing! No more flying to Korea to see the actual products. And of course, i love this brand also because of two super hot Korean model Sora and Minhee! Wanna see them in the party so much!
Not gonna write tooo much, i took many photos so please enjoy! :)
幾實仲有好多靚靚cookies同cake pop,但一refill即刻比人搶晒 :p
There were many pretty cookies and cake pop, but they were all gone once they were refilled. :p
There were many games to play and this DIY handbag section has the longest queue, i queued for an hour but it was tooo slow.... We gave up and the PR gave us the material so we can do it at home.
We got a Stylenanda sticker after playing this quest game.
另外有 3 Concept Eyes makeup Corner可免費化妝或玩下化妝品,但我啱啱先去韓國玩完返黎,所以冇玩。
There were a makeup corner where you can do your makeup for free or try out their makeup products. I didn't even touch them because i had enough fun with them when i was in Korea last week.
Unlimited tattoo stickers to play with too, they are all so cute. They are made and sponsored by a Taiwan company, not Nanda made.
It was so packed before the special guests appear... so crowded.......
而家賓係洪卓立同周柏豪,另外當然唔少得Stylenanda的靈魂models - Jung Minhee (左) 同 Park Sora (右)。
Special guests were Ken Hung and Pakho Chau, and yea of course the souls of Stylenanda - model Minhee Jung (left) and Sora Park (right).
當日我同Crystal,Vangie一齊去,因為大家都係Stylenanda fans,哈哈! 而佢地有i.t sponsor衫喔,真好!
Went there with Crystal and Vangie that day because we are all Stylenanda fans, haha. And i.t sponsored them their outfits, so good!
Stylenanda輪盤,可能個天知道我太多化妝品,所以比我抽中洗面膏 lol。
Stylenanda roulette, maybe god knows i buy too many makeup products, he gave me face wash instead lol.
好辛苦先拎到的cake pop,想拎多一個比Vangie,但被一位大叔搶走了 -_-。
This cake pop was so hard to get! I wanted to get one more for Vangie but it was taken by a middle age men -_-.
仲有cotton candy,但我怕整花唇膏所以冇食。
There was cotton candy too, i didnt eat coz didnt wanna mess up my lipstick.
Pink + banana backdrop is so cute!
Stylenanda貼紙 + 3CE唇膏曲奇餅,好可愛.... 唔捨得用/食...
Stylenanda sticker + 3CE lipstick cookie, so damn cute...... i dont wanna use/ eat....
Photobooth 仲要有 props,其實仲想影多幾張,哈哈!
Photobooth with props! Actually we wanted to take a few more hahaa!

I put on these tattoo stickers for fun, they are quite pretty.

Got this red lips sticker on the back of my hand and it's still here after 4 days, didn't fade at all.
I don't normally style my hair because i don't know how, but i did a mess hair bun on that day, so let's take a picture and capture the moment.
為左配合Stylenanda個image,化個橙紅唇泡菜妹妝先啦。胭脂係在韓國買的3CE的粉紅+粉紫色。眼妝用了少少閃淺啡色眼影,下眼睫毛位當然要用淺色眼影突出返個臥蠶。但其實本人個臥蠶 (定唔知眼袋) 已經好勁,睇返成晚D相,笑時個下眼肚好似突出得滯。
To suit the Stylenanda theme, i have done an orange-y red lips kimchi girl makeup. 3CE pale pink + lilac blush on my cheeks. For the eye makeup i only applied a shimmer light brown eyeshadow on my lids, and a light color eyeshadow on my lower lash line to highlight my tear bags. In fact my tear bags (or puffy under eye bags, whatever they called) are naturally quite obvious, and when i look through photos i took that night, they were a bit too obvious when i smile.
It was such a fun party! Cute food, games to play, pretty boys and girls, makeup, what more can we girls ask for?
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