Tuesday 8 April 2014

GlamGlow Supermud Mask Review/ 用後感

呢個面膜係Sephora中其中一樣我最想買既野,終於去吉隆坡嘅時候買咗。總共買咗兩盒,一盒俾自己一盒俾朋友。由於呢個面膜太多好評,所以我係KL返香港後就急不及待咁試用佢。(返左黎幾日後發現原來Joyce Beauty都可以買到。)

我既皮膚係混合性偏油,而這個面膜亦都好有效咁清潔我塊面,同埋將我毛孔入面既污穢+油脂分泌吸晒出黎。面膜開始乾嘅時候,D毛孔最粗大同易出油嘅T zone位,會見到一粒粒嘅油漬喺個面膜上面。唔好意思因為睇落真係有啲核突,但係洗走個面膜之後我嘅皮膚真係好乾淨同埋好有光澤。連面上面嘅死皮到去走埋,好神奇!



 This clay mask was one of my most wanted item from Sephora, and I finally got them during my KL trip. I bought two, one for me and one for my fd. It has so much hype, I couldn't wait to try it once I came bk to HK. (Later, i found that i could find them in Joyce Beauty in Hong Kong.)

My skin type is combination with very oily T zone, this mask really pulls out oil and dirt from my pores and exfoliates my skin. When the mud started to dry I saw many oil dots on the mask on my T zone area, where all my big pores are. It looked a little gross, im sorry, but my skin was so clean and glowing after i washed the mud off. It removed all the dead skin on my face too, really amazing!

Some people said it burnt their skin, and my suggestion for this mask is, apply a very thin layer. Try apply it using a large flat synthetic foundation brush, so that you can apply evenly and avoid waste of product. I only had a very very mild tingly feeling at the beginning, it didn't irritate me or made me feel uncomfortable at all. I suggest you to do a test in shop before you purchase if you have sensitive skin, as this mask is not cheap, it is US$69, dont waste your money if it's not suitable.

Hope you found this review helpful. Ask me any question on instagram or facebook! Bye~

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