Monday 21 April 2014

Max Factor Whipped Crème Foundation Review 水感原肌慕絲粉底用後感

雖然我係一個化妝師亦好鍾意買化妝品,但係粉底我係相對黎講買得比較少。一來佢地冇好靚既包裝,而顏色又冇眼影唇膏咁繽紛。二來,用開好嗰幾支就會keep住用,而且一支都可以last好耐。三來,貴! 好既粉底由$400~1000不等。最後係,我冇耐性去續個化妝counter睇同試,就算真係試亦試唔出D乜,因為唔同皮膚需用唔同質地既粉底,真係要搽上面一日你先知道佢好唔好,適唔適合。暫時我化妝箱入面最常用既係Giorgio Armani Illuminating Silk Foundation,Cle De Peau Silky Cream Foundation同Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation。
上個禮拜有PR送左Max Factor Whipped Crème Foundation比我試用。呢個粉底比較特別,個名叫whipped cream,其實質地比較似mousse。用左一個禮拜,終於可以寫個review。

Although I'm a makeup artist and I love buying lots of makeup, I buy foundation much less than other makeup products. 1) They usually don't have fancy colors, packagings like eyeshadow and lipstick. 2) One bottle lasts a very long time and I don't change them often if they are doing well. 3) Price. Good high-end foundation price range is around $400 - $1000. 4) I don't have patient to go to different shops/ counters to look and try out all types foundations. Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to tell the if it's good immediately. Will have to put it on my face for a whole day to know if it's good/ suitable. The often use ones are Giorgio Armani Illuminating Silk Foundation,Cle De Peau Silky Cream Foundation and Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation.

A PR sent me this Max Factor Whipped Crème Foundation last week. It's called whipped cream but it's a mousse like texture. Been using it for a week and finally I can write a review now.  

Mousse狀粉底我好耐之前都有用過Giorgio Armani Face Fabric。都鍾意過一排,仲用左兩支。但係冬天有D太乾,時常有粉cake住喺D乾位/死皮位,所以就停左冇再用,轉左用Cle De Peau。

I used to fancy Giorgio Armani Face Fabric (mousse texture) a lot and I used up 2 tubes. But it's kinda dry and look so patchy on dry area during winter, so I stopped using it and changed to Cle De Peau.

而今次收到呢個粉底簡介就大置上係講Max Factor呢個Whipped Crème Foundation因為研發了創新既水漾配方,加入左水同甘油成份,所以確保肌膚唔會乾燥,同埋能夠控制多餘油光。不含油脂,經過皮膚醫學測試並適合敏感性肌膚使用等等。OK好啦,等我試下先。

Basically, the info given stated that Max Factor has invented a new moisturizing formula and put it into this Whipped Crème Foundation, hydrated with glycerine and water, won’t clog pores, oil-free and fragrance-free, suitable for sensitive skin, etc. Ok then, let me try.


Received 3 colors. 35 is an orangey beige color, half to a shade darker than my face (I'm MAC NC20). Used it for few days and until I opened the other 2 bottles, I found 45 is actually more suitable for my skin tone. Not much darker but more neutral tone than 35. 55 has a pink under tone and it's definitely too dark for me, i will use it for someone else or use it as a contour color.

下面我搽既係45號Warm Almond。上粉之前會見到我塊面鼻附近既位置比較紅,有黑眼圈同雀斑。由於皮膚薄,所以D青筋好明顯。

Below is me trying on 45 Warm Almond. As you can see I've redness around my nose, dark circles and freckles are quite obvious too. My veins also are quite noticeable as my skin is very thin. 


The mousse texture is so easy to blend.


Foundation glides on face so easily but seems cannot fully "settle" because of the slippery silicone.

解決方法,亦係我平時自己上粉底既方法,就係用一支kabuki brush打圈咁buff勻循D粉底。而個掃亦會將細D既毛孔上埋粉及掃走面上多餘既粉底。 

To solve this problem, is to use a beauty blender or kabuki/ buffing brush to buff the foundation in circular motions. The fibers will then fill the pores also buff extra product away, leaving skin an airbrush finished. This is how I normally apply my foundation too.


Altho it's a semi matte finish, it didn't make my skin patchy or dry. My skin looks so smooth, matte but still dewy. Medium coverage, redness are all covered, but can still see a bit of my dark circles and some freckles.

如想再遮多少少雀斑或有紅印既地方,可以點多少少粉底然後用手指印開。 當然,如果眼圈或皮膚問題比較嚴重就一定要再加遮瑕,個人黎講只搽粉底都OK。

Tap a bit of foundation on where you wanna cover and slightly blend using finger if you want more coverage. Personally im ok with just the foundation itself, but of coz if you have bad or problematic skin, better use a concealer instead.


Almost done.


No matter what foundation you use, it's important to apply loose powder on the T-zone. The rest of the face is depended on personal need/ preference. 

再講多次,我係混合性偏油皮膚,T字位(尤其熱天)好油。第一日用,上粉前搽左新買既Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream,之後喺T-zone落碎粉。由於呢個cream好厚同潤,所以冇補妝之下4,5個鐘後返到屋企粉底都溶得七七八八。第二日上粉前搽左個45度防晒,全面上碎粉。4個鐘左右T字位開始出油,之後要每隔一個鐘補少少粉。

 優點: 搽上面唔會覺得好厚粉,但有足夠coverage。雖是啞色粉底但保濕唔cake粉,搽完唔會覺得塊面好dry唔舒服。半啞光質地令皮膚睇落好滑好乾淨同有光擇。價錢絕對大眾化,只需$108。

缺點: 用手指搽上面有D難搽得貼面,要再用掃或粉撲印開。控油效果唔算強,天氣熱可能要勤少少補妝。而最大缺點係..... 點解只係得四個顏色選擇呢? 我想買淺D既顏色黎化外國model呀,too bad!


Again, i wanna say, i have combination oily skin. First day i applied this foundation over my new bought Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream, and i only applied a bit of loose powder on my T-zone. Since the cream is very thick and rich, the foundation was all melted and almost completely gone when I came home after 4-5 hours without any touch up. The second day I applied a SPF45 sunblock underneath, and then foundation and loose powder on full face. My T-zone started to feel oily after around 4 hours, and then I have to touch up every one hour.

Good: So light weight after applied on face with enough coverage. It's matte but it's quite moisturizing, won't leave face looking very patchy or feeling dry/ uncomfortable. Semi matte finish makes my skin looking very smooth, clean and dewy. Very affordable price, it's only HK$108.

Bad: A little bit hard to fully blend the foundation using finger, need to go over using sponge or buffing brush. Weak at oil control, have to touch up more if use it under hot weather. The main disadvantage is.... such a poor color selection. I do wanna buy a lighter color and put in my makeup kit, too bad!  

價錢 (Price):$108 /18ml
 共4色 (#35 Pearl Beige/ #45 Warm Almond/ #55 Beige/ #65 Rose Beige)

各大MAX FACTOR銷售點有售。

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  1. 深色那個是65 or 55? 見到產品上是65,而你寫了55@@我剛剛買了55…未開,想知道會不會太深色,如太深色會去換><

    1. Sorry,原來係65呀,我一直寫錯左:P
